Tatiana Saavedra

# Silk Poems

«…connected» - «…connected»


«…Dis» 2021 - «…Dis» 2020

«…Dis» 2020

# Silk Poems

My works have a nostalgic soul. They are born from the memory of feelings that I have often ignored or silenced. They are the aftertaste of absences, emptiness, waiting, guilt, loneliness, the fear of growing up or the love that hurt. Sometimes they are silent tears of a distant pain but in all of them there is a memory of me and who we are. My artistic universe talks about what it means to be human. In photography I found the ideal place to better explore the idiosyncrasies in which beauty and pain intertwine, in sweetness and restlessness. They are small windows from the inside, which photography makes crystal clear. In my images there is a diffuse anguish that echoes - whether it's man lost in infinite spaces, bodies between four walls, or living beings in serene landscapes, like wounded animals seeking isolation in their habitat. It is in these representations of our contradictions and antagonisms, in atmospheres of confinement and lethargy, that we become the same. And despite the shadows that pervade, I feel the need to convey hope. Even if time seems short to heal the deepest wounds. I am an activist for peace and understanding, and a firm believer in human possibilities. My inspiration comes from what I see in people, in nature and within myself. I invite you to get to know me, to look through the windows I open for you, in the hope that you will recognise yourself.